Friday, May 18, 2012

waxy tears

  1. a gleamy candle near me casts its eerie glow
  2. the only waxen piece to witness a lonely tear flow
  3. as it reflects in the drip on the side of my cheek
  4. my own eye can't see it cuz it's too blurred to peek
  5.  by day so distracted, so overwhelmed by bright rays
  6. at night the silence roars as the creepy shadow sways
  7. it fogs up the sharp hues in a mixture of grays
  8. zooming in reality to a burning style haze
  9. are occurences these days, just a passing phase
  10. or is this all an illusion in a bubble of glaze?
  11. I hide in the dark corners, my mind in a daze
  12. how is such a contrast possible from night to the days
  13. this weak wick tells me as its flame aligns with my sob streak
  14. I actually view life sharper when in blackness light I seek
  15. I see then it's all a fantasy, merely a magic show
  16. till a tender breeze sneaks in, the candle's warmth to blow 

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