Friday, May 18, 2012

The sham beneath the glam

You think I'm pretty, but In essence I'm ugly.
Listen up fools,
without all the jewels
I'm not nearly as cool
I'm a joke- almost cruel.
Under that artificial orange tan
hides a colorless albino woman.
beyond the foundation
blooms an acne corporation
a hollow population
below the inflated cheek station.
My biological makeup
got lost under all that cakeup.
if you dig into the 7 layer cream
a finger print you'll redeem
Implants of silicone
tampering of the nasal bone
does it get any more phony
than plastic surgery?
the world is suddenly of mustard very fond
hence the raging custard blonde
if u search beyond
you'll drown in a brunette pond.
oral cavities  by white-out reached
natural pearls now soaked in bleach
the president of peroxide strips should be impeached
charming smile lines a thing of the past
botox has arrived at last.
crows feet
are no longer neat
melt them under excruciating heat
for preemie skin is the treat
blinking is now painful every time the lids mash
thanks to false disney lash
a poufy hair gel spritz
hides a lot of frizz - possibly nits
please don't pull my stiff extensions
it may cause instant baldness, I have to mention..
when u have raw beauty so pure
why mess with nature?
unnecessarily invent a cure,
as long as you're not stroking facial fur
wouldn't u prefer
health over some risky cartilage blur
of which results 1 can never be sure..

this divulgence may have  freaked you out
no doubt
but what this revelation is about
I'm here to shout
is an integrity drought.
our society is after something that doesn't exist
of what do we consist?
so when you fantasize about that next meal
stop & think how much of it is real.
that tempting piece of steak
is FAKE.

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